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We have never had a critical moment where the generation of today is more challenged mentally than the previous eras. As a Christian body to the students, we understand the importance of counselling to the students who are undergoing through diverse tough moments in their lives. The challenges can be personal, at a family level, at school or among friends in the society that surround the young person.

KSCF has in it’s ranks professional counsellors who are born again that handles this critical arm to help our students be sober and focused on the right things. Among the things our professional counsellors deals with are:-

Same sex is a hot topic in the current centuries as different bodies that are powerful pushes the agenda down on those who have divergent views. We understand also, it is a challenge that many High school going students encounter in the stage. We focus on authoring materials that will be of great help to the victims and the affected, besides counseling and talking one on one with the students.

Most of the teenagers have peer pressure to measure among the their peers. And when they have friends they adore or celebrities, they tend to ape everything done by their friends or the celebrities they adore. These leads to most of them beginning to abuse drugs and even sell them. This automatically leads to criminal behaviors and tendencies where the victims find themselves engaging in lawlessness among the community. And these may lead them to being ostracized by the society and lead them to death in the hands of police or mob justice or prison. KSCF is full committed in mentoring this type of students into full recovery and get focused on academics and spiritual nourishment.

In the world today, the pressure to measure up to the standards of life and challenges that compound the society at large, have affected most of our teenagers in schools. Family feuds, academic dwarfism, premarital romantic relations and other vices have contributed to a large extent, stress among the students. Suicides among young boys and girls have increased over the time even as social media plays a huge role into driving the young people into mental illness. We, as KSCF, are committed to talk and counsel the young people on the right path of healing and acceptance. Our materials are well researched to cater for the current need of the mental health among the young people.